EVIL by Jannis Varelas
Jannis Varelas, poster for EVIL
Loukia Alavanou, Antonakis Christodoulou, Angelos Frentzos, Vassilis H, ILIOS, Mikhail Karikis, Vassilis Karouk, Anna Laskari, Sifis Lykakis, Panagiotis Loukas, Makis Malafekas, Margarita Myrogianni, Rallou Panagiotou, Aliki Panagiotopoulou, Maria Papadimitriou, Panos Papadopoulos, Kostas Sahpazis, Jannis Varelas, Poka Yio.
The greek artists Jannis Varelas has compiled a program of Videos of Greek artists called EVIL.
The evil relates to a peculiar condensations of human behavior that emerge in situations of crisis and is placed in a personal, social, political and even historical context.
The interest lies in types of behavior or phenomena that transcend rationalist analysis and move into an unfamiliar system of the absurd.
It is an examination of peculiar identity of man being unable to draw upon paradigms from the existing, collapsing reality and through the moral concept of authenticity, finds refuge in self-definition reverting almost pathologically to himself.